Monday, November 16, 2015

Reflections on my 21 year old self

You can't run away from the internet. I have learned this during my time through many inflammatory and stupid posts, comments, blogs that have come back to bite me in the ass courtesy of the assholes who save this all into burn folders. But one thing that also doesn't go away are my blogs, which I suppose serve as public journals into a particular time of my life.

Reading back through all of them almost 5 years down the track, I laugh, cringe, and fondly reminisce about my adventures and rants back in the day. Sometimes I read and I disagree completely with my old self, and other times the blogs serve as a memory to who I was and where I have come so far. It's hard to say whether I like myself better now than I like 21 year old me, because a lot has happened.

Since the end of this blog (April 2012) I have lived in 3 countries, traveled to 6 more places, and made 100s of new friends. I had several jobs, made money, spent money, done some pretty cool things, and done some downright retarded things.

So to indulge my narcissism (as I often do), and for a bit of good old fashioned reflection, I have gone back through and started annotating my old blogs. Maybe I will learn something, maybe I will be reminded of some of the things I have forgotten and lost in myself.