So it was a Friday afternoon. I was sitting on Facey feeling particularly sorry for myself after losing my bus money and watching my highly anticipated trip to Guadalajara (and the town called Tequila) go down the shitter. I was thinking to myself, 'now what the fuck am I supposed to do this weekend?' When a miracle popped up in the form of a a message from Lilly-pollas, inviting me to come on a journey to a mysterious unknown town. When I replied "does a bear shit in the woods?" she told me "great! Now get your ass to la casa Marie (and Stefan) pronto!" So I raced and I raced as fast as my little legs would take me and arrived at Marie's to a group of excited adventurers. Bear in mind I was still a little bit drunk and after being whisked away before the opportunity arose to shower I looked a little something like this:
That is not a bruise by the way but the cosmetic remnants of a big night (seems I didn't molest anyone QUITE enough this time). But I digress. So we made our way to the bus station in Puebla only to find that our perfectly laid plans (which I had no idea of pretty much the duration of the trip) had to be altered because of bus schedules and other BS of the like. So Gabriela Wart bought herself a ticket to a town with a name beginning with Q, which took almost 2 days of constant reminders to finally remember the name as Queretaro!
So after a nice long 4 hour bus ride enjoying our FREE SNACKS we arrived in Q-town with no idea what to do or where to go. We walked around for what seemed like hours (but was really only about 30 minutes) trying to find a place to stay but also ooh-ing and aah-ing at the wonderful city. Q-town is BEEYOOTEEFULL! I would wank up my description with superlatives and heinous cliches but it would just sound like shit. But put it this way, I have seen many a plaza, church, plaza de armas, tree lined street, mariachi band and cobblestone street in my life; but I would have to say that in this place, around every corner there was something new, pretty and interesting. Even a hardened old croak like me (who doesn't really have much of an eye for beauty) was astonished. So we finally found a hotel (ooh la dee dahhh a hotel! How FANCY!) that was good for 4 people and didn't have us haemorrhaging TOO much of our hard earned pesos and we ventured out into the night.
Actually it was probably about midnight before we ventured out so there was none of this pretty sunset crap yet. The first stop was for tacos. And boy did we dig into those delicious tacos (made even more delish by the fact that it cost us $20 pesos for 4 of them!), we just didn't stop! And we didn't! After our midnight taco hit we wandered around looking for a drinking establishment. To my utmost delight the first we found happened to be a karaoke drinking establishment. After bringing down the house with our 3 songs (and several beers) we stumbled on back to our hostel to enjoy the luxury after a big day.
The next day could be characterised by many things. One of the main was the food! We began our day with a cheap and absolutely massive breakfast before heading off on a stroll around the city. We passed colonial buildings, cobblestone streets and then stumbled upon a market. It was of course just your standard run of the mill Mexican Mercado (which if you've never been to one is pretty cool... even if you have its an interesting experience). Full of colours, freshly slaughtered animals that still resemble their previous living state, costumes, clowns and much much more. After the market we continued walking through the city, finding many wonderful places, scoffing our gobs along the way and generally enjoying a pleasant gay old afternoon.
That afternoon while the others were buying rubbish in yet another market, I managed to get myself very lost. In my confusion a lovely boy by the name of Jony started talking to me and even offered to buy me an icy-pole. We agreed to meet up later that night (more out of my politeness/inability to say no/the fact that he had bought me an icypole. After finding the crew and going again for some more tacos (at the same place as the previous night) we met up with Jony and went out to an 80s bar. We sipped our Coronas and listened to the sweet sounds of the 80s while Jony probably began to regret joining us when he realised how strange we all were. When it came time to leave and head out to a real club and boogie our friend paid THE ENTIRE TAB before we could even get out our money. Despite our objections he insisted, and lead us to a Salsateca! Except of course he had no idea. After a wild goose chase around the streets of Q-town at 2am we decided that it was probably the end of the night for us (and that our so called 'local friend' was completely clueless as to the nightlife of the town).
The next morning we looked something like this. In true piggy style we headed out for a buffet breakfast and scoffed our faces (otra vez) whilst enjoying a friendly debate about god knows what. After, we took a stroll around the city (again), discovering many new plazas that we hadn't seen before, as well as a lovely park, where we were 'lucky' enough to hear what sounded like marching band practice/a battle of the marching band between 2 diferent bands. I say 'lucky' because there is only so much one can handle horns and trumpets on a sunny Sunday arvo at the park without feeling just a little homicidal. But once they stopped (maybe someone else was feeling the same way as I was and did something) it was a pleasant afternoon in the park for our last day of our voyage.
Tired, satisfied and relaxed, we finally got a bus back to Puebla. So the first journey outside Mexico City and Puebla wasn't exactly the booze fest in Guadalajara that I had anticipated, but it was a fun weekend with some wicked peepz and good food (and LOTS of it). And only a few handfuls of fart jokes, inappropriate conversations and poo references.
i fell i wanna eat some tacos aswell