Only a week ago, Queensland was waking up from its Saturday night hangover only to see their new Premier's shit eater grin plastered all over the their TV and newspaper, and the crushing news that there is effectively no opposition in parliament. Many former ministers, members and very intelligent people were updating their resumes and preparing to head into Centre link/Sarina Russo to find a new job, preferably one interstate, where they wouldn't be forced to witness the shit show that will be Queensland for many years to come.
With a complete whitewash of Queensland parliament, the former government now has 7 out of 89 seats, while the LNP, who until about 1-2 years ago were the biggest joke in Queensland politics, are now the big dogs in town. And while the smug, weasel-like Premier of Queensland is feeling like he is the king of the hill, there are no doubt even intelligent LNP members who are wondering dafuq just happened. In such a brutal defeat, one must concede that Queensland did not want Labor in government again. Whatever. Fair enough. However, when candidates, such as a 23 year old Woolworths employee living with his parents (outside of the electorate he ran in) wins a seat in parliament, it raises serious questions about the capacity of voters. Also, a candidate who was nominated 2 weeks out from the election to replace the previous LNP candidate due to whatever sinister scandal had made him unelectable. Not only were the LNPs finest and brightest (ha!) elected, but the hacks who threw their name down on the ballot paper for nothing more than shits and giggles.
This of course, most obviously brings me to the intelligence of the average Queensland voter. Compulsory voting came into Queensland long before anywhere else. Sadly, for many voters, rocking up to a voting booth on a Saturday is seen as more of a tedious chore than a chance to 'have a say.' As a result, the average voter doesn't have much of an idea what is going on. The average Queensland voter gets most of their political information from the Channel 7 news, or the more savvy ones may watch Channel 9 as well, so that they can really be in the know about what is going on in Queensland. Of course, when you consider who controls Australian TV stations (except ABC and SBS of course) and you consider the interests that the owners represent, even the most 'objective' and 'unbiased' reporting (of SUCH high quality) becomes rather suspicious.
However, it's not only the Today Tonights of the world that affect how people in Queensland vote, there is also the issue of the people of Queensland (and generally Australia) themselves. In a country where, for most people, the quality of life, working conditions and general comfort is relatively high, and where politics isn't full of complete yahoos like Khadafi and George Bush, people tend not to give too much of a crap about politics. As long as it doesn't affect them, the average Queenslander doesn't care too much about most of the issues; thus breeding a culture of apathy and ignorance. For most, many problems are simply too far removed from their daily lives, that it is simply not their problem, and they assume that the political machine is running smoothly. In the case, however, that shit hits the fan and people find that their lives will be impacted, people will rant and scream and write letters left right and centre. The media will then pick up on this and use it to some advantage, particularly around election time. When a number of issues arise, and the public can take fire on the government, and then a movement begins and change is on every one's lips. Queensland people love to whinge, whether it be about their neighbour's fence, bats or the prices of electricity. The next task is to find a scapegoat, and while boat people, immigrants and the unemployed are all up there in the scapegoat stakes, the easiest target is always the government, regardless of whether or not it is a conservative or progressive one at the time. Public stupidity works both ways in Australian politics. So as it was seen last weekend, the state's dumb were sent to the polling booths, and as a result, 78 of Queensland's 89 seats are LNP.
Unfortunately, not only did the Queensland people send in a lame-duck parliament who ran things from day to day and never deviated far from the centre, but they sent in Campbell Newman Inc. In his first week in parliament, the honourable premier of Queensland has already stuck his finger into the public service, kicking out long standing employees to replace with his mob of lackeys. If his first week in power is a glimpse into the next 3 years, one can only dread the kind of government that will be running the show. All eyes will be on Campbell in the next month to see whether or not he fulfills his promise of renouncing his financial interests, now that he is Premier. LOL
Although Labor was never expected to win this one, thanks to the idiocy of the masses, the clowns who were voted in now have free reign. Adios progressive Queensland. I can't wait to say I told you so.
Gross! Written like a true Labor Party hack. Even after the LNP government have come and gone, I still feel generally the same way about them as I originally did, I think I hate them for different reasons.
The people of Queensland are still pretty basic, but in an endearing way - like the way we like our drunk uncle when he starts ranting and dancing, or the friend who brings a packet of chips to a BBQ, which is a stingy and lazy move, but at least they're your favourite flavour, and they go great after smoking a joint and getting drunk.
These days Labor is back in and are just as incompetent, just in their own special way. The only thing that has changed is that I don't have faith in any politics anymore, and everyone is equally useless. The cynicism is strong in this one.
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