Thursday, February 3, 2011

Election time in Mexico

Ok, so it wasn't quite as exciting as federal elections, and granted I had no idea about the political process of Mexico (except that it is apparently corrupt), the elections for Governor of Guerrero (what a title!) were quite interesting.
  • So one of the main things I noticed as we drove into Acapulco on the weekend was the massive mass of propaganda! Not a single pole, powerline or bus was uncovered; campaign posters covered everything! If I hadn't have known about the elections before I arrived, I would have to be a pretty giant moron to know what was going on. 
  • Another thing I noticed was the "ley seca." Apparently people get a bit worked up around election times, and the city of Acapulco decided that it wasn't going to take any chances and banned alcohol sales from 2am of the day of elections and after. For me, an election isn't one of those occasions where the beer hat comes out and I let loose but perhaps the Mexicans are a bit different. Maybe alcohol impairs judgement and makes people vote for idiots (is that why political campaigners head on out to the aboriginal communities of Australia with a keg of beer (or box of goon) and a how to vote card?). Or maybe drunk people are more likely to decapitate the honest voters of Mexico? 
  • And of course the thing that struck me as the coolest were the posters! In Australia I am accustomed to the bland, standard ALP/Liberal templates with bland serious looking photo (maybe that's why election time doesn't motivate me to drink?). But in Mexico they are colourful! Exciting! Full of promises they'll probably never keep! 

So this is the first candidate. And look how many posters he has in about a 3m space. Bear in mind this is the tip of a very large iceberg, there are at least 2.4 million other posters around the state, and if you didn't know this face before you arrived, it doesn't take long to remember.
  • Its colourful! Red and Orange with white, black and brown make for a poster that is very easy on the eye!
  • The wording. Not only is he straight to the point with what he wants (Gobernador! ... try to guess what that means in English). Also, every 5th poster or so has a different promise to the people of Guerrero. Better education. Better food. Atta boy, tell the world what YOU will do for them (good luck keeping them though)
  • A trustworthy face. So he's no model, but that benevolent expression says "I am that friendly uncle who will give you the last bite of my taco and clean up your puddle of vomit from last night without judgement."
  • Angel! What a fabulous name. It must be a sign. If we vote for someone named 'angel' he will surely deliver us from the evil drug traffickers and decapitators
  • A white shirt. Sure he looks clean and professional, but how boring! Grab our attention! For a state full of sunshine, good vibes and wonderous beaches a white business shirt just will not cut it. Wardrobe!
  • Lack of neck. I'm searching but I still can't find his neck. Maybe he plays rugby? (doubt it) Or maybe he was born with a disorder where his neck didn't develop properly? (poor boy) But can we really trust a man with no neck? I'm skeptical.
  • That haircut! Please! Bald is so 90s (2000s here in Mexico... Freddie Mercury style moustaches and mullets have only recently gone out of fashion here). Angel needs to fire his stylist PRONTO and employ the likes of Carson from Queer Eye or someone who has at least half of their eyesight to make him look like a rockstar.

So this one I loved so much that I stole myself one of the million to bring back to Cholula with me. Bear in mind at the time I didn't realise it was so BIG (its the size of my bed!). So of course this photo doesn't quite do ole Anuel much justice, but I just couldn't get it out of my head!

  • The Thumbs Up! I love love love it! Thumbs up to you Anuel. He's obviously a very happy guy and that positivity is just what the state of Guerrero needs
  • That shirt! Lime green. Clearly Carson has paid a visit to this guy. Green = very fresh, modern and creative. And he always wears green in all of his public apperances. He has made green his style. His brand. Expect green shirts to go flying off the racks at Walmart. He is to fashion what Gandhi was to peace.
  • The slogan. "Vamos por tiempos mejores!" Something simple, vague and very easy to follow through on. And ambitious! He is definately aiming high. Vamos Anuel!
  • The love heart. Anuel is the heart of Guerrero. How many politicians have a heart next to their name on their campaign posters. It gives the whole thing soul, like Anny is a real person and not just a political bigwig. And better yet, you will never see any publicity without that heart next to his name. 
  • His eyes. Blue-ish, Greenish, clear and honest. I think I have a bit of a crush on Anny here! His eyes are the window to the soul and we can see right in to his honesty. He is a bit of a hottie for a guy who is a million years old.
Cons: NONE! (well... there are a few)
  • Tacky. I think this goes without saying. Whether he is a perfectly crafted work of PR genius or a clown posing as a politician to test the intelligence of the average Mexican (thank god they don't have compulsory voting there!), his poster/campaign definately toes the line of taste.
  • He's bald. Rogaine. Wig. Anny you have a million options at your disposal yet you chose to rock the cue ball look. At least head polish is a low $20 pesos at Waldos Mart for a big tub of it. You'll need it.

Angel. It seems the Mexican public decided to overlook his style/physical flaws and award him the winner. It seems the flamboyant angle taken by Anuel just didn't pay off and we'll see lime green shirts going on sale all around Acapulco. But just look at that election party! Angel is a rockstar! And the leis and look of triumph just make for a man who will bring Guerrero into the 21st century with a bang. Now all that remains for the good folks of Acapulco is to tear down the thousands of propaganda posters and host a big effigy/party now that ley seca is over.

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