Looking outside, and then inside again at the assignments I have already mounting in week 3 (and the mooting problem I signed myself up for to make me feel like less of a moron), I am having some serious Mexico nostalgia. Without a doubt, my time in Mexico was one of my favourite, even in spite of seedy old men and their drive bys in pickup trucks and the lack of direction giving skill. As I sit here feeling sorry for myself, my mind wanders to Mexico and I wonder how much cooler this moment would be if I were there.
What I would be doing this weekend: Either camping at a lovely, white-sand, Pacific beach with a beer and fresh fish for next to nothing or at Cumbre Tajin, a music festival set at some pre-hispanic, Mayan ruins listening to the likes of Bjork and other cool acts.
What I am doing this weekend: Went out last night. Got drunk. Watching McGyver whilst not really doing anything of my assignments.
What the weather in Mexico is like: Sunny and mild (in Cholula). As winter turns into spring, the days are getting longer and hotter and the jackets are lighter than the depths of winter.
The weather in Brisbane: Dull, grey and rainy.
The state of my stomach in Mexico: In Mexico, a taco stand is never more than 5 minutes away and a supermarket (or a friend's house) even less. Food is so cheap that I would not think twice about heading out for a greasy, cheese dripping torta with either a beer or a litre of freshly squeezed juice.
The state of my stomach currently: I am hungry, yet unmotivated to walk to the kitchen to heat up the steamed vegetables, which is the only thing I have left because I have no money until my weekly welfare payment comes in. I am about 30 minutes walk from a supermarket or McDonalds if I did choose to venture out for food and put in on the credit card, meaning that it's either veggies or nothing for now.
What my weekday routine in Mexico would be: Wake up as late as I want and ride my bike over the flat terrain to yoga. Feel refreshed and healthy and buy a litre of carrot and orange juice. Go to uni for muy poco tiempo before visiting a friend's house to hang out, eat, perhaps go out and plan any weekend adventures. I would ride my bike around the flat streets to random corners of Cholula, where there are weird and odd things to be seen on a daily basis.
The weekly routine here: Get woken up at 7:30am by power tools and faff around watching some form of morning show until I head to uni. Study, read, listen to lectures, eat a sausage roll, go to the lolly shop on campus and then either go home or go out. The days I catch the bus, I fork out $1.50 each way and sit there like a numb, zombie for 30 minutes as I stare out the window, while on days that I ride my bike, I arrive at uni sweaty, smelly and gross animal and wonder why I decided to live in a place with so many hills.
So now that my self-pitying rant is over, it's time to go and change something. Brisbane is certainly not Mexico but it can be pretty cool if you search and choose to engage in it. Sadly it will be a while before I can get back to Mexico and eat a real taco and see all of my wonderful friends there again, but for now I'm stuck in Brisbane and it's about time to stop being a sad sack and live it up.
Haha the weekly routine made me laugh and reminded me of my uni days!